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AMD is doing something interesting…

Groundbreaking myths

Sep 14, 2024

Groundbreaking myths

We are beginning to notice the emergence of a new myth: the H200 is being called “groundbreaking.” In reality, the H200 is an H100 with more and faster RAM (80→141GB). The compute side is unchanged. While more memory is a positive development, it’s important to consider what AMD is doing, which is truly remarkable.
Thanks to recent public benchmarks, we can now see the potential of the MI300x. After several months of software improvements, MI300x is already performing on par with, and even surpassing, the H100. In terms of hardware, the MI300x already has more and faster RAM than both the H100 and the H200.
What’s more intriguing is that the MI325x is coming in a month, and it also features an upgrade of more and faster RAM. Similar to the H200 upgrade, the compute capabilities are the same as the MI300x. Notably, the MI325x at a whopping 244GB, has 3.05 times more RAM than the H100 and 1.73 times more than the H200.
What do you think will happen when people start to realize that the need for more than a single provider for all of AI compute, is no longer constrained by hardware?