Maintenance Policy

Shared Responsibility Model

Last modified: May 25th, 2024

Maintenance Policy

Hot Aisle Maintenance and Notification Policy
In our mission to provide reliable, resilient service while continuously adding new features and functionality to the Hot Aisle Cloud platform, we adhere to the following policy to manage our platform upgrade and maintenance programs. This policy regarding both planned and unplanned upgrade and maintenance programs form a part of the Hot Aisle Terms of Service (TOS).
To be clear, Hot Aisle may perform unplanned maintenance or service to the Hot Aisle Cloud platform, at any time, in its sole discretion, without notice to Hot Aisle users or public notifications. Circumstances that may require unplanned maintenance or service to the platform include, but are not limited to, service outages (internal or external) or identified issues or vulnerabilities that may put the platform service or our customers’ services and/or data at risk.


Hot Aisle will take reasonable efforts to make planned maintenance events known via its (to be setup) dashboard. It is a user's responsibility to ensure they are subscribed to the status notifications relevant to their Hot Aisle deployments.

Critical Infrastructure Maintenance

When performing planned maintenance that is deemed by Hot Aisle as "critical" in nature, Hot Aisle will provide, at a minimum, 24 hours’ notice with a description of the event and any potential or expected impacts. For "critical" infrastructure maintenance events, notice will be posted to both the Hot Aisle (to be setup) dashboard, as well as via email to all users subscribed to receive Hot Aisle status email alerts.
For purposes of this notification policy, "critical" maintenance will generally be deemed to be any planned changes to components that substantially impact:
  • Data center power issues
  • GPU servers
  • Internet connection
  • Networking
  • Virtual Server orchestration
These listed areas are deemed by Hot Aisle to be critical to the general availability and operation of the Hot Aisle platform.

Course of Business Maintenance and Service Changes

Hot Aisle strives to continuously add new functionality, hardware, and reliability features to the Hot Aisle platform to support our customers’ ability to push the limits of technical creativity. With this continuously flowing pipeline of enhancements and upgrades, we take all appropriate precautions when deploying changes to the Hot Aisle production environment, including, but not limited to, senior engineering architecture and code reviews and approvals, end-to-end test pipelines, and live-quality assurance testing in pre-production environments. Hot Aisle will not provide notification for those enhancements and related maintenance that Hot Aisle deems to be in the normal course of business of running the Hot Aisle platform, but NOT "critical" under its Critical Infrastructure Maintenance policy.

Subject to Change

This Maintenance Policy is subject to change at any time without notice, in Hot Aisle’s sole discretion.